Ingonyama's community-driven hub for all things related to Zero Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs). From beginners to experts, this comprehensive collection is a one-stop-shop for learning and collaboration.
Elan is the head of Marketing at Ingonyama. He has years of expertise in simplifying complex systems and ideas to easily understandable concepts. Elan holds BAs in International Relations and Political Science from Indiana University.
Privacy concerns have long been a barrier to fully unlocking AI’s potential in sensitive industries. The addition of privacy-preserving technologies to AI systems will unlock generative algorithm’s greatest potential to humankind.
Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) will transform the gaming industry. They can be implemented in two key ways: multiplayer gaming architecture and gameplay.
In the first week of December, 2022, the term “Metaverse” placed second in the Oxford English Dictionary’s competition for Word of the Year, a vote cast by over 300k people signifying a word or expression believed to have lasting cultural significance reflecting the ethos and moods of the past twelve months.
We are a next-generation semiconductor collective, designing accelerators for advanced cryptography. Our mission is to lead the pack, forging the bedrock upon which applications requiring Zero Knowledge Proof performance can be built at greater speed and scale.
Realistic Deep Fakes reached a tipping point in 2020, crossing the uncanny valley into dangerous territory. The application of Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) can address these vulnerabilities and enhance the security and reliability of the editing process.
Behind the scenes of our short film showcasing the realm of Zero-Knowledge Proofs set in a medieval fantasy world.
The success of ZK Accelerate was testament to the growing interest and development in the ZK space. As a hardware company, Ingonyama strives to set new benchmarks for the Zero-Knowledge community, and ZK Accelerate was no exception.
On April 11, 2024 Ingonyama hosted ZK Accelerate Athens, a full day of content focused on ZK engineering and product. ZKAA was sponsored by no fewer than 17 teams focused on ZK innovation and preceded by ZKSummit11, which took place at a nearby venue the previous day.
A case study on how Kroma Network leveraged Ingonyama's ICICLE acceleration library by integrating it with Tachyon, a high-performance, general-purpose, open-source ZK Proof library designed for seamless GPU interoperability. Tachyon is intended as a drop-in replacement for current Halo2 backends, significantly reducing proof generation time and costs.
A case study focused on Brevis use of Ingonyama's ICICLE ZK acceleration library. Brevis integrated ICICLE into its operations in early 2023. As Brevis relies on Gnark’s Groth16 for ZK proofs, ICICLE was integrated into the Gnark codebase to accelerate proof calculations. ICICLE plays a critical role in speeding up operations such as Multi-Scalar Multiplication (MSM) and Number Theoretic Transform (NTT), both of which are essential in the Groth16 proving process.
ZKA provided an ideal platform for learning, offering direct engagement with teams and companies in the ZK space, while also fostering business development and networking. With nearly 3,000 signups to participate or access event content, and roughly 800 attendees, the event showcased the growing momentum and widespread interest in ZK products and engineering.
Discover how ICICLE accelerates the zkWASM ecosystem, empowering developers with high-performance, privacy-preserving solutions. DelphinusLab integrates Ingonyama’s ICICLE library to enhance zkWASM's proving capabilities, bridging Web2 and Web3 through optimized zero-knowledge proof performance for blockchain and decentralized applications.
This case study explores how Zircuit integrated Ingonyama’s ICICLE software library to accelerate its cryptographic computations, improving performance and reducing costs.