In this article, we present an integration of the ICICLE field library (rust wrappers) for trace generation and symbolic constraints for AIR arithmetization using the Plonky3 framework. This enables users to
- Write AIR circuits in the Plonky3 AIR language and easily interface with ICICLE APIs,
- Generate trace data in ICICLE field types in any device using ICICLE’s device agnostic API’s,
- Generate symbolic constraints.
The user can parse the symbolic constraints and show that the trace satisfies the constraints by taking advantage of ICICLE backend APIs such as the NTT, Polynomials, VecOps, Hash, MerkleTree and FRI (upcoming). In short, this enables users to write custom STARK provers that meet their application requirements.
As a proof of concept of this integration, we have adapted the Plonky3 examples
- Fibonacci AIR
- Blake3 AIR
- Keccak AIR
and produced the trace and symbolic constraints in ICICLE data types. Our code is open source and can be found here. As always, we will make our roadmap transparent and would love to collaborate! In order for this integration to be functional we had to redefine some properties of the Field trait in ICICLE, and the ICICLE branch used for this purpose can be found here.
The bottomline is: The user can use the Plonky3 AIR script that they are familiar with but generate trace data directly and compatible with ICICLE backend library.
In short, AIR construction is identical to how one would write an AIR circuit in Plonky3.
Note: We haven’t currently implemented a backend prover and will do so in future work. We encourage users to try different air circuits in this framework and build their own STARK provers using the ICICLE framework.
Read the full blogpost on HackMD